Penn came to stay for a while on Tuesday. The Humane Society will have a pet adoption event from 1-4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 11 at Petsmart in Fayetteville, AR.
Look at that face.
I know that a lot of pet people assign human emotions to animals. What I don't know is how much of that is imagined, and how much of it is real. I can say with confidence I've seen animals display characteristics that would indicate happiness, anger, sadness, shame, love...
Penn was abandoned... dumped on the side of a road. It's a miracle that he survived long enough to make it to the HS folks. If this winter had been like last winter, he probably would not have survived.
Which would be a shame, because he seems like he will be a great dog. He's smart. He's already close to mastering crate training and some basic commands such as "sit" and "stay." He is comfortable in a crate, and almost completely housebroken.
Yet some hellbound jerk ditched him alongside the road like a piece of garbage.
Look at that face. This picture was taken after about 10 hours at home with Penn the penguin. I've seen it a few times since. He has already grown attached to us. He has already found a favorite place on the couch... he wants to get so close to you as to be welded together. I saw that look on his face and thought about how tough his life had been in these few short months. He's had to fend for himself. He's a tiny little guy but growing. He's got some toughness -- he had to or he'd be dead -- but at heart he responds extraordinarily to attention and love. He wants to please.
When I took this picture I felt like his eyes were pleading with me to show him something positive, something good about people. Because most of the people in this guy's life have been unworthy. I don't want to disappoint him.
Someone once said we should aspire to be the person our dog thinks we are. A good goal. I want Penn to know that he's worthy of being loved. That shouldn't be that hard, because he's a sweet little dog.
M said something last night that was spot on: In a way, it's a good thing that Penn was dumped. Because the terrible person that did that has no business owning any animal, much less one as wonderful as this little guy.
Who couldn't love that face?