Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day 111: Reboot

At some point today I'll add more entries in my little competition, but right now I am trying to reset a bit and be productive.

The top effort here, obviously, is finding and getting a job. One of the job sites I use recently gave me some statistics about a particular job I was going for and said that the site alone had 396 applicants for this one position. Now obviously that won't include applicants from other sites, or internally, or word-of-mouth. Add it all up and people get confirmation of what we already suspected: the competition is significant.

I'm also trying to establish a little more order here at World Headquarters. Changing your physical perspective can be a positive. It refreshes your environment without destroying any "continuity" and helps you evaluate things in a new light.

Things need to change, and this is a low-impact way of doing that.

It was a strange weekend. A friend scored tickets to the season opener, and then sponsored post-game snacks. Then I came home and was inflicted with the Great Moth Incident of 2011. Cool temperatures arrived yesterday and I think the only negative is I feel I may be getting a cold.

Today the yard is being excavated as Stage 2 of the water saga takes place.

Clearly a lot of disarray. It's an unsettled time.


  1. That moth thing freaked me out, too.

    Also, babysitter chick. W.T.F.?.!.

    I just don't get it. I don't get it.

  2. Third time's a charm. Brownie, Ryannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn now this. Done with them. Gonna find the right situation to respond in an appropriate way.

    BTW, TFW is available at the biz school. And the biz school also has handy recycling bins nearby!
